UNC to provide disease management program with peer health educators

peer health programUNC recently hired three peer health educators as part of its new Community Health initiative in Lackawanna County. Peer Health Educators Margaret Kile, Walter Mitchell, and Lithzaira Castro are certified through Stanford University’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. These educators are working in the community to provide workshops on chronic disease self-management that offers tools on how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle. These programs are free of charge and open to anyone, including caregivers, age 18 and older, with a chronic disease such as asthma, obesity, pain management, heart disease or diabetes.

UNC will be hosting an open house about the program on March 31 at 11 a.m. at the Mid Valley Senior Center located at 310 Church St. in Jessup. If you would like more information, please call 570-346-0759 ext. 115.
