UNC Seeks Input for Pine Brook Plan

UNC’s Community Revitalization Team is seeking input from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in the Pine Brook section of Scranton to help guide the direction of the neighborhood’s future. The Pine Brook area falls between Olive Street and New York Street, and between the Lackawanna River and North Washington Avenue.

Residents and business owners are invited to share their thoughts through the surveys below:

• Resident Survey (15-30 minutes to complete): https://wrt.typeform.com/to/fT0tZ3xD
• Business Survey (15-30 minutes to complete): https://wrt.typeform.com/to/HO4DY0Lt

Three Focus Groups are also forming which will meet through Zoom calls and have themed discussions around different topics. Topics will be:

• Business Owners
• Developers + Realtors Forum
• Housing + Quality of Life
Sign up at the following link and we’ll reach out to you to schedule the meetings: https://forms.gle/P8tHQyN7mu4QUHtf6

You can also stay informed about the progress of the revitalization by:

• Following the Pine Brook Neighborhood Plan on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pinebrookscranton/
• Signing up for regular email updates via our mailchimp landing page at www.tinyurl.com/pinebrookscranton